Dear LA and US tango community,
It was just a few months ago this year that the LA community was dazzled by the incredible guest instructors and performers as well as the live orchestra and music. It was a tango event beyond my wildest dreams and so heartfelt for me to see all the dancers in the community coming together to dance, share their art, and enjoy the best of what tango can bring.
Our team has not rested since then and we are at it again, ready to provide you with an even bigger & better SCTC event next February 23-25, 2018. Nothing was left to chance and we have made several enhancements to bring you the very best:
- The fastest (and sexiest) way to see all the highlights for next year. I am so shocked to see the video has received over
8,00014,000 views since it was launched 3 days ago. We promise the event is even better than the trailer! - Watch the trailer above.
- We’ve completely re-designed the website to be easier to use and find important information like schedules (milonga/competition/workshop), event photos/videos, registration info, blog, vendors/sponsors, and more.
- We are so grateful to have 3 world-renowned master couples this year with a long experience of dancing, performing, teaching, and judging from all over the world.
- We’ve also invited special guests: SCTC 2017 Champions and the 2017 USA Official Tango Salon Champions to perform as well.
- See our featured Maestros & Performers
- Last year, we had 2 couples and 4 workshops each day. Due to the rising interest in classes, we have 3 couples this year and 6 workshops each day. We made sure to pick couples with different styles and specialties to fit the tastes of different dancers.
- See the Workshop Schedule
- My oh my, what an incredible performance. To hear all the instruments in perfect tango harmony and the beautiful voice of Javier…you had to be there to believe it. Due to popular demand, we are bringing them back. For those who missed out earlier this year, here is your last chance.
- See our review of SEXTETO MILONGUERO
TOP DJ’S (Robin, Avik, Varo)
- Robin Thomas (New York, NY), (Ann Arbor, MI), Varo Boyajyan (Los Angeles, CA)
- We’ve scoured the US for the best and biggest tango DJ and confident they will deliver. With 30 hours of dancing, there’s no one else you can trust more than the most travelled pros in the US.
MC’S (Oliver Kolker & Brian Nguyen)
- We are excitied to announce a new MC for SCTC 2018, the enigmatic charismatic dancer/film-maker and multi-talented tango figure—OLIVER KOLKER! He is charming, funny, and also organizes the growing “Pelando “Variaion” competition (which will also be featured at SCTC).
- Joining him as co-MC will be our very own main-stay neighborhood local former-champion and other charismatic tango figure—Brian Nguyen!
- Last year, we had over 100 competitors. We are expecting more participants this year and have even added a new category…the exciting “Pelando Variacion” category run by Oliver Kolker.
- Generous sponsors are still adding to our list of prizes (trophies, cash, clothes, free trip to BA, and more). Last but not least, all competitors get free entry into the milonga.
- Learn more about competition (info, rules, prizes, etc)
- We are especially grateful for all our generous sponsors who have helped to make this dream come true. Please support them just as you would with our event.
- See our vendors and sponsors
- You can also become a sponsor yourself; we are a non-profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible. We’re still looking for sponsors! Are you interested?
VENUE Enhancements
- 2018 will be hosted at the beautiful Candela Restaurant & Lounge once again with a few improvements. There will be more servers available for faster service, menu adjustments, and also increased valet parking capacity. We have also revised our floor plans to allow for more dancing space.
Yours truly,
Yuliana Basmajyan